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What's your chapter's policy on passengers?

Discussion in 'Autocross' started by Bimmerdan, Oct 30, 2008.

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    It seems that there is a lot of different opinions regarding passengers at chapter autocrosses. I'm curious what the concensus is with everybody on the forum?

    If you read the minimum standards, it states (in section 2.8.4 Drivers/Workers Meeting, paragraph f):

    "...that only entrants, and approved instructors (for the sole
    purpose of instructing) are allowed in cars during timed runs.)

    One of the things we've always tried to do at our autocrosses is to get new people to come out and try it. If they don't want to compete the first time, we encourage them to show up and catch a ride with someone. Based on the minimum standard above, that's against the rules. However, it says "timed" runs...does that mean it's OK during the fun runs?

    So does your chapter allow passengers? Do you put any restrictions on it?

    Anybody from National want to chime in?

    Thanks in advance!!
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    steven s

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    If you take the rule literally, passengers would be allowed in fun runs since the ops manual does not address 'fun runs', only timed. This is something to ask your regional DEC rep though. The National office don't actually create the rules.

    Edit: I was wrong about the fun runs.:eek:

    I do know there is at least one chapter that allow passengers in timed runs.
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    I know several chapters that allow passengers but I just want to make sure we're meeting our insurance requirements and not putting the club at risk. A couple years ago we (a PCA event, not BMW CCA fortunately, althought they were both CCA members) had a serious incident at an autocross here and someone got badly injured. The passenger was in fact an instructor but if he hadn't been...that could have been a serious problem. Ever since then, we've been overly-cautious about the whole passenger issue. The reason it's coming up again is because we're getting ready to write up our competition rules for 2009 and want to address the passenger thing.

    Regarding fun runs, here's what the minimum standards state:

    2.8.7 Fun Runs - If time permits after the end of the scored, competitive event, fun
    runs may be allowed, as long as all safety considerations in place for competitive runs
    remain in place for fun runs.

    After reading that, maybe passengers aren't allowed then either?

    Whenever I've asked anybody about it (including the DEC's), I've never gotten a straight answer about it. I always get "...open for interpretation..." or "...it's a chapter decision...". I find it hard to believe that it's a chapter decision if it's stated in the minimum standards, unless the minimum standards are just a suggestion and not a mandate?

    I'll try the regional DEC again and let you know what happens. I would still like to hear from other chapters though (unless I've scared you off...?? :D ).
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    steven s

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    It does read that you must follow the same rules as a timed run.

    94is guest

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    In San Diego a passenger is only allowed in a car being driven by an instructor, and students are only allowed to have a passenger if the passenger is an instructor.
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    Yeah, that's the same policy we've adopted for this year. Also, any passenger going for a ride with an instructor must be a registered participant of the event.

    It's definitely not a popular decision with the membership at large and has created a lot of debate but that's the policy and we're holding a hard line.

    94is guest

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    I have always wondered what other organizations insurance is like, since I have been to track days put on by other groups, and they don't care who rides in the passenger seat, as long as they've signed a waiver.
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    I've always wondered that myself. I think it must come down to interpretation (or they are just playing the odds, hoping they don't have an incident).

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