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Known issues with site (Sunday 3/2/08)

Discussion in 'Member Feedback' started by Bill Howard, Mar 2, 2008.

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    Bill Howard

    Post Count: 238
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    Here are a couple things to know about the new BMWCCA.org website. Most people won't be affected. But in case you try this:
    • BMW CCA member profile. This is your name, mailing address, and contact information. It works for most members. But some answers default to the first choice on the list, particularly the prefix to your name, title, and home state. You may have to scroll up to click on the blank for instance, so you don't wind up as 2LT or AIA or scroll down so you don't default to the home state of Alabama. Also, you have to call the club to change to your chapter affiliation; that's not a glitch. If you save the profile, don't try to edit it immediately. It's not an instantaneous update on the club membership info server.[edit add:] Some users report making changes and winding up with the defaults re-applied, so your best bet is not to update your user profile from what's already on file for the near term.If you wind up with member profile info that's wrong, call the club office to get it corrected.
    • Member renewal online. It's not yet enabled. Please call the club, 864-250-0022. We'll have it running shortly. New member sign-up does work.[Edit add 3/10/08]: Renewal should now work for members if you're within 3 months of your expiration date. However, some members with expiration dates further out may be getting the message inadvertantly. Currently you can renew at any time over the phone, within 90 days online.
    • Classfieds, events calendar. That's on the old website, http://old.bmwcca.org for a few more days. The calendar will transfer over to the new site. You'll have to resubmit classifieds on the new site to have them appear online. (Relax about getting your ad in Roundel: If you submitted by 2/26 on the old site, it will be in April Roundel, and if you submitted after that on the old site it will be in May Roundel.) [edit add:] Submit by March 26 for the May issue.
    We wish there were no issues with the new site. We think there aren't many issues. Please keep pointing out issues that crop up and appear to be glitches. It may well be the site, not the user, especially if you log off, log on a few minutes later, and the issue persists.
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    kelly the k

    Post Count: 6
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    profile glitches

    >BMW CCA member profile. This is your name, mailing address, and contact information. It works for most members. But some answers default to the first choice on the list, particularly the prefix to your name, title, and home state. You may have to scroll up to click on the blank for instance, so you don't wind up as 2LT or AIA or scroll down so you don't default to the home state of Alabama. Also, you have to call the club to change to your chapter affiliation; that's not a glitch. If you save the profile, don't try to edit it immediately. It's not an instantaneous update on the club membership info server.<

    I looked at my profile today and found the changes I made to my record yesterday didn't take. The state reverted back to AL, my phone number is incomplete, the 2LT and AIA designations are there, and it didn't delete the car I had taken off. In addition, the name fields aren't available for input and there is no chapter listed---it shows a question mark icon. (My chapter affiliation showed on the old site.)

    So, today I used a different browser and tried re-updating my profile. This time it seemed to work, the only things that didn't take were the change of 2LT and AIA to blank, and the state from AL to CA. So I tried to make the final two remaining updates and hit "save." Then, when I checked again five minutes later, it had lost the updates---huh?!---and I'm back to where I started. (I did reload the page to see if it was a cache issue.)

    Now, as I don't see any way to view my profile outside of the Edit Profile link (am I missing something somewhere?), how do we know that the system has taken the saved update other than through Edit Profile? You say, "it doesn't update instantaneously, so don't try to re-edit it immediately"---ooookay, how do we view our profile without going into edit it?

    Is anyone else running into these glitches? Or do I just continue to have bad karma with the CCA websites?
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    Bill Howard

    Post Count: 238
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    Kelly -- Thanks for your post. The problems with inaccurate or incomplete updates of your user profile don't affect just one person. Webmaster Jeff Petzel believes we'll have a fix this week. In the meantime, we'd advise:

    • Hold off on updating your member profile for now (meaning this week)
    • If you updated it already and it has a glitch, call the club office at 864-250-0022 and they can correct it by directly accessing the club's database.
    We'll post a note in this Feedback forum when we've got it working satisfactorily.
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    Post Count: 36
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    I posted my new classified over the weekend but it has yet to show up in the classified section of this site. I assume that it is just because it is not up and running as of yet? Anyway.. The new site looks good!!!
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    Bill Howard

    Post Count: 238
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    Paul, classified ads will not transfer over to the new site. One time only, you'll need to submit the ad on the new site once classifieds go live later this month. The old site will remain viewable for about a month so ads can be viewed. It will be at http://old.bmwcca.org. You didn't ask but others have: If you posted an ad on the old site and wanted it to appear in print in Roundel, that will happen automatically.
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    Post Count: 1
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    Membership renewal

    I have been somewhat frustrated trying to do my membership renewal online. I have reached a dead end no matter how I try to navigate the site. I have tried to call the main office but they are never open when I am available to call. I have finally given up and sent it by regular mail but my membership will probably expire before it gets there! Hopefully there will be a little flexibility with the deadline.
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    steven s

    Post Count: 2,505
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    I'm not sure if this will work in the meantime.
    Try going to http://old.bmwcca.org and log in.
    Your membership number is your username and the password is the 1st 3 letters of your lastname, lowercase and your 5 digit zip. Again, I'm not sure if that function is still enabled, but it is worth a try. If that doesn't work and you are comfortable with, shoot me a PM with your name, membership number and credit card info.
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    Post Count: 2
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    Problems renewing

    There still seems to be some problems renewing. My membership expires May 15th but I get this error when I try to renew online:
    Server Error in '/subscriptions' Application.
    Runtime Error
    Description: An application error occurred on the server. The current custom error settings for this application prevent the details of the application error from being viewed remotely (for security reasons). It could, however, be viewed by browsers running on the local server machine.

    Details: To enable the details of this specific error message to be viewable on remote machines, please create a <customErrors> tag within a "web.config" configuration file located in the root directory of the current web application. This <customErrors> tag should then have its "mode" attribute set to "Off".

    I will check back later to see if anyone has any ideas.

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    Post Count: 2
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    Tried again today and it was working.

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    Brian A

    Post Count: 659
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    Locked out of forum topics and gallery photos

    My ID (Brian A) has been more or less locked out of the BMW CCA website for the last 5 days when I try to access the website from my ID on my main computer. I can still click quickly to forums and to a specific forum, but when I click on a particular title to read the dialog, the computer stalls and the content does not download. Likewise, I can quickly click to a User Gallery, see the thumbnails, but when I click on a thumbnail, the picture download stalls or at least becomes extremely slowly (5 minutes instead of 0.5 seconds).

    On other computers, I am okay; even my Blackberry. Likewise, I can access the website using my wife's id on the problem computer (as I am now). Any other website also seems to be fine; only BMW CCA website is affected.

    Does anyone have any ideas what could be causing this? (I deleted all history files and cookies to give that a try, but it didn't help.)
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    Post Count: 3
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    I'm getting the runaround on renewal. (Thanks, by the way, for all the hard work.)

    I've logged in with the account I created a month or two ago. The How to Renew page says

    You do not have access to this page.

    If you are a BMWCCA member and haven't used this site yet you must register a new username and password and then verify your club membership.
    Click here to register.

    If you've already registered but haven't verfied your club membership
    Click here to verify your membership

    So, I click to verify my membership, enter my info, and a page is displayed saying "Membership verified". I then get sent back to the home page where nothing has changed. Attempting to renew again results in the same loop. What gives?

    I expire on May 15, so maybe I'll just call tomorrow...
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    steven s

    Post Count: 2,505
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    Yes, please call to renew and shoot webmaster @ bmwcca.org an email to have him look into it.
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    steven s

    Post Count: 2,505
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    Be sure to delete the cookies when you are not on the site. At least that is how I do it. You might have cookies for www.bmwcca.org and stage.bmwcca.org. Depending on your browser, it would be good if you can go in and manually delete them.
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    Post Count: 3,269
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    I just realized this thread exists. Well then, here goes what's been picking at me since I started using these forums:

    Whenever you view a thread, it's supposed to be automatically marked as read. Therefore, it is not supposed to mark it as new posts the next time you come back to the forums.

    Very frequently, I view all the new posts made since the last visit, I leave the site, come back, and it shows there are new posts, but those new posts are posts I've already seen. It gets really annoying to have to review all of these threads to make sure there aren't any new posts since the last time visited.

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