By Nate Risch
As I mentioned two weeks ago, while I was in the middle of my epic E30 seat-dyeing adventure, I bought an Agave Green 1972 2002tii—sight-unseen—in Louisville, Kentucky. The car reportedly hadn’t run in a decade. I had to figure out a safe and cost-effective manner to get it home.

By Nate Risch
A little over a week ago, I went to a club event at Sebring Raceway in Florida, which was super-fun, because number one, I was totally excited to be back in a race car, and number two, I love Sebring!

By Nate Risch
Last week I described trying to freshen up the Pearl Beige sport seats in my E30 325iS prior to my putting it on eBay for sale. The car’s driver’s seat had small holes worn through the bolsters, so I bought and disassembled an E30 sport passenger seat to get its bolsters, and swapped them onto my driver’s seat.

By Nate Risch
It’s February, and I am on vacation. Last week I loaded the dogs into my 1990 Volkswagen Vanagon Carat and slowly made my way from Colorado to Florida. You get nowhere fast in a Vanagon; I set the cruise control at 3,600 rpm, which gives me about 60 miles per hour indicated, and settled into the right lane of the highway to watch the world go by.

By Nate Risch
The long-dormant Agave ’72 2002tii that I bought sight-unseen in New Alban, Indiana (after it fell into my lap when I used the Hack Jedi mind trick of not being interested in it, which only works if you’re actually not interested), is now safely ensconced in Louisville—in the garage of Jake Metz, the fellow who looked at it and reported back to me.