By Nate Risch
One snowflake: a lattice of complexity and beauty, reflecting light with mathematical precision. Crystalline water in all its glory. Well, it’s majestic and all that, until there are a gazillion of them falling from the sky during Monday-morning rush hour, at which point there as many wonderful and unique curse words flying about as there are oh-so-pretty snowflakes. Oh, if only we had a defense from these descending flurries of doom!

By Nate Risch
As we come out of a lovely Thanksgiving weekend, obviously I am thankful for, among many other things, owning nine BMWs. But they all need to be put somewhere for the winter. As I’ve written, I have space in my garage for three or four, depending on how tightly the cars are packed in.

By Nate Risch
Is the off-season really an “off” season? I can’t speak for other sports, but in auto racing, it certainly does not seem like it. In fact, the off-season can be even more hectic than the racing season itself. With a season that ends in October and starts in January, that’s three months of chaos with drivers, teams, manufacturers, and sponsors all sorting out their plans—as well as developing any new cars before the 2016 season begins.

By Nate Risch
The week before last, I was driving Old Blue around the block, under cover of darkness, in ever-widening, ever-quickening circles, trying to see if I had wrenched it across the line from Stage 4 (drivable) to Stage 5 (roadworthy), when the driveline began making a pretty good thunking and thrumming sound anywhere above a certain speed.

By Nate Risch
When we members decide to engage in modifying our cars, it means that the factory work product isn’t quite sufficient to meet our standards; some of us simply demand more—or at least something different—out of the machine. Whether for aesthetic or performance reasons, modifications exhibit the owner’s personal priorities of what a car should do, how it should look or feel, or even explore the maximum limits of what it can be.