Ads are currently collecting for the June issue. The deadline for that issue is 5pm on Tuesday, April 15th.
Members get five free ads per month (either online or in Roundel). Extra ads cost $15/ea. Members cannot place ads for non-members.
Ads expire every 30 days, so manage your ads in your My Ads folder.
To mark your ad sold, please log in and Edit your ad and scroll down to select the Sold tab.
Members will need to be logged in to see the Create A New Ad button.
We do not assume responsibility for the products or services sold or offered. It is responsibility of individuals who posted the ad to reply to your message, and confirm the legitimacy. There are risks which you assume when dealing with people who might be acting under false pretenses; all of these risks are borne by You. We do not control the products or services offered to members, nor does BMW CCA control the users of our Classified service.