Club News

The Buckeye Chapter became the first chapter to donate to the BMW CCA Foundation Challenge Grant last week. And donate they did—$10,000! Foundation Trustee Lance White accepted the donation from Tim Beechuk, Buckeye Chapter president, and Scott Ontjes, chapter treasurer. The generous donation to the Challenge Grant will be matched for a total impact of $20,000!

Every dollar donated or pledged by individual Club members will be doubled from the Challenge Grant—but it gets even better. All financial gifts made directly to the Foundation by BMW CCA chapters will also be matched from the $250,000 Challenge Grant, as well as the traditional matching funds awarded by the BMW CCA. This means that chapter contributions will be more than doubled! In addition, there will be special incentives and recognition for the top contributing chapters.

To find out more about the $250,000 Challenge Grant and how you can help, visit the Foundation website here. Remember, the Challenge Grant ends December 31!