Club News


Check out what everyone has been talking about! The Boston Chapter is hosting a Bimmerworld BMW CCA Club Racing School at Watkins Glen on September 18-19. James Clay and other Bimmerworld racers will be in attendance to teach us how the pros do it!
Get ready for two days of pure fun! Come join us and find out what the excitement is about! If you're a new racer looking to get licensed, an advanced-level driving-school student, or an instructor, you're eligible to participate. No race car needed—your DE car is fine! 
Come and learn from the Bimmerworld Pros! We will put a smile on your face and challenge your driving skills at the same time!! 
Signup is through the BMW CCA Club Racing Website.
More information about the Bimmerworld BMW CCA Club Racing School can be found here or you can contact Ron Checca at