You are invited to join us at Palmer Motorsports Park on Saturday, April 13th for our annual ground school. Track day Driver Education and Autocross programs are some of our most popular in the BMW CCA and this event will use an interactive classroom session with the optional opportunity to participate in parade laps to give an overview of what you can expect on track. Our long time sponsor HMS Motorsport will be on site to talk through safety equipment and Helmets in particular. HMS is headquartered in North Carolina but also has a location right here in Danvers MA. Check out their website for more information on their extensive involvement in all forms of motorsport and for directions to their store at
Our plan is to provide an overview of our driving events program with particular focus on Track Day, Driver Education and Autocross. We’ll go through where events are held, fundamentals of driver technique and how we coach them. We’ll walk through how to get ready for an event, what your first event looks like and especially how addictively fun these events can be.
Pre-event registration is highly recommended with online registration at $40 per person and on site, day of event registration at $60 per person. The day will start with a continental breakfast at 9:30am with the presentation session getting underway at 10am sharp. We should end the classroom session around noon and then HMS will provide a pizza lunch during which you can talk with the event organizers and instructors. The HMS team will have some of their safety equipment inventory on hand, especially if you want to try on a helmet, something very difficult to do on-line. Towards the end of the lunch period you will have the option to participate in some parade laps around the Palmer Motorsports race track. You are not required to participate in parade laps to attend the ground school but these will give you a flavour for what you can expect at a DE event. Guests (18+) may be registered for $20 per person.
Parade Laps? Drivers (and their passengers 18 years and older) will drive several laps of the race track at reduced speed, behind a pace car. No helmets are required. These parade laps will allow you the time to see the race track in it’s entirety while getting a feel for what a full on track day experience would be like.