Club News

The BMW CCA Ombudsman service has a new way of providing service to our members. In the past, a telephone call or an e-mail message was the only way to start an Ombudsman inquiry. Over time, however, the growing complexity of inquiries has changed our role somewhat; we often find that we're dealing with problems which involve documentation and photographs.

Our new system will allow a member to fully explain an issue and provide whatever documents and photos (should they be needed) to amplify the matter at hand. We expect and hope that it will be more efficient for members and the Ombudsman team.

Please visit the Ombudsman page for complete details.

BMW CCA has provided the Ombudsmen office as a purely volunteer resource for members with the understanding that communications will be treated confidentially. Confidentiality is critical to the effectiveness and independent nature of the operation of the Ombudsmen office. By submitting an inquiry a club member agrees to be bound by this confidentiality provision and the principles of independence, impartiality and informality.