
"No Excuses" VII High Performance Driving School

September 05, 2014 to September 07, 2014
2014 marks our 7th year of the "No Excuses" driving school. Join us for a full weekend of driving fun at the challenging Hallett motor racing circuit. Students will receive multiple driving sessions each day, and pre-approved advanced students can join us on Friday for additional track time. Not familiar with BMW club driving schools? This event is a great way to experience what makes your BMW so special! Come drive your car - yes, your car - on track with qualified, skilled instructors. Hallett is a challenging track featuring ten turns and considerable elevation change across its 1.8 mile circuit. Many describe a lap as being similar to taking a drive through a twisty country road. Hallett was also repaved this year - come drive the NEW surface! Please visit for more information. Contact with any questions. We look forward to seeing you at this year's "No Excuses VII" school!


Angel Hall
59901 E 55 Rd
OK, Jennings 74038