By elliottsb
This chart is a supplement to Ron Wakefield's "100 Years of BMW - Part IV" article found in the August 2016 issue of Roundel. It contains BMW vehicle generations from 1972 through press time of the August 2016 issue.
You may view the chart below, or click the following link to...

By elliottsb
There must be a scintillatingly good word for it, but I’m buggered if I can find it. The word I want means “the process of becoming mainstream.” The need to patch this hole in my vocabulary became evident last week, on the occasion of the graduation from middle school of my astonishingly...

By elliottsb
Some advertisements for automotive accessories invite you to imagine the back story—in fact, they demand it. The latest I’ve seen involves adornments for BMW badges; I think they must appeal to a predictable demographic. I can hear it now: “After the prostate operation, I was kind of outta the...