By Nate Risch
With winter arriving and the metaphorical drawbridge rapidly being pulled up, leaving the equally metaphorical moat in place before the snow and salt cause me and the cars to go into siege mode, I conducted one final repair.

By Nate Risch
In reading dozens of news articles every month, it seems to me that lately, increasingly more stories relate to the electrification of BMW vehicles, expansion of the electric-charging and hydrogen infrastructure, battery production, and development of autonomous vehicles.

By Nate Risch
About a month ago, I concluded Part XII of this series by saying, “So… there’s nothing left to do but evacuate and charge [the a/c]. Next week, we’ll see if the gods of decorum, publishing, and common sense conspire to allow me to polish this off and write an a/c recharge piece the week of Thanksgiving. In New England.”

By Nate Risch
Look around the congregation. See the gnashing of teeth among the faithful? They’re the ones who are bewailing the heresies of the new M5, the snarling monster with—gasp!—four-wheel drive. The one with an automatic transmission. The one riding on Pirellis.

By Nate Risch
Near the end of last week’s piece, “Throw Back The Little Ones,” in which I described passing on a thousand-dollar 2002 that probably could’ve been made to run, but which was almost certainly a parts car due to a rotted frame rail, I said, talking to myself, “If you buy this, that’s it. You’re done. There’s no more space [in the driveway].