By Nate Risch
Last week, I fabricated the brackets for the universal parallel-flow condenser, test-fit everything about a dozen times, and was ready to snug the whole thing down for good with Nylock nuts when I stopped and said that, in truth, you need to deal with the selection and installation of a condenser fan in parallel with the condenser installation, because most of the time you mount the fan on the condenser, and thus need to verify that when you mark any holes to drill for any brackets, the fan doesn’t interfere with anything.

By Nate Risch
Envy is not a beautiful emotion, but I can't help it. Somewhere out there is a fellow BMW CCA member who is going to own a car that I covet, a car that I drool over, a car that I am ineligible to own because it is the grandest of all BMW CCA raffle grand prizes.

By Nate Risch
Last week, I talked you through measuring the inside of the nose on my E24 6 Series shark to determine the biggest condenser that will fit. I offered my rules of thumb: For any car, if you measure the inside width of the nose and subtract five inches, that gives you the width of the condenser that will fit comfortably once you take the hoses and their fittings into account.

By Nate Risch
Why can’t I request a proper sports car through Uber? Or Lyft? Or something?! I just want a service that will bend to my whim of being driven to my destination as if I went back in time and I’m on the set of The Hire—preferably the Star episode.

By Nate Risch
At the end of last week’s column, I’d mounted the wing-cell bracket on the shark’s M30 block, and thought that a perfect photo to close the installment would be one of the Sanden 508 compressor hung off the bracket, even though I wasn’t ready to permanently install it because I still need to drain the PAG oil it came with and refill it with ester oil (which will be covered in an upcoming installment).