By Nate Risch
From time to time, I wake up with a terrific idea, usually after too much Champagne on top of pineapple pizza; however, most of these grand schemes come to naught. But at last I’ve come up with a brilliant way to do some good along with my normal drift through a meaningless existence.

By Nate Risch
In the first part in this series, I divided a/c rejuvenation and retrofit work into six tasks: updating the compressor and bracket with a rotary-style compressor and whatever bracket is necessary to mount it to the block, updating the old serpentine-flow condenser and fan with a modern parallel-flow condenser and a bigger fan, cleaning and re-installing the evaporator assembly and expansion valve, fabricating new hoses, hooking up the electrical components, and leak-testing and recharging.

By Nate Risch
The Motoring Classic at Aspen Snowmass was a new event on the Rocky Mountain CCA Chapter calendar this year. The inaugural year of the event was a attended by a multitude of car clubs, including Audi, Porsche, Ferrari, Corvette, Viper—and of course BMW.

By Nate Risch
I was planning on writing this week about installing the evaporator into the ’79 Euro 635CSi—I see you shiver with antici…pation!—but I was temporarily derailed again by the compressor.

By Nate Risch
At the 2017 Frankfurt International Auto Show (IAA) that just closed, BMW used 10,500 square feet to proudly exhibit what makes BMWs special. In the past, BMW stood for well-designed cars that handled great, looked good (usually), accelerated quickly, stopped even more quickly, and most important, were fun to drive.