By Nate Risch
I must say that the last few weeks of Formula 1 racing, especially the races in Azerbaijan and Silverstone, have interrupted my Sunday work schedule. Unlike fanatical fans of Formula 1 racing, I do not get up at Oh-Dark-Thirty to watch the races live; instead, I record the qualifying sessions and the races so that I can skip ahead through the boring parts.

By Nate Risch
By the time you read this, the eBay auction for Otto the ’74 2002tii will have closed. With luck, the sale will go forward without event, and the car will soon be on its way to a new home.
By Stephen Elliott
This chart is a supplement to the BMW History article found in the August 2016 issue of Roundel. It contains BMW vehicle generations from 1972 through press time of the August 2016 issue.

By Nate Risch
They could have called it The Great Escape, representing the abrupt emigration of the three presenters of the British Broadcasting Corporation’s (BBC) hugely popular car show: Top Gear. Instead, Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond, and James May have titled their new car program The Grand Tour.

By Nate Risch
After Otto’s decapitation and re-capitation, last week he rejoined the living. With his newly rebuilt head, he sprang to life on the first turn of the key. But after I re-torqued the head and set the valves, I didn’t like the sound of the idle.