By Nate Risch
When last we saw Otto, his head was literally dangling from the ceiling of my garage. Pretty grisly. Once the head was off, I slid the head gasket off the top of the block and held it in front of me like a prize bass, fully expecting to see clear evidence of failure between the #3 compression ring and one of the coolant passages.

By Nate Risch
This is a tale of loss and redemption, of bidding farewell to an old friend, and of new beginnings. When last we spoke, I was dealing with a broken turbo on our 2011 X5 diesel. As I weighed the pros and cons of repairing the beast, Betty arrived at a simpler solution: “Replace it,” she said.

By Nate Risch
We interrupt this series on the Decapitation of Otto to bring you something less greasy and possibly more useful. Last week I was preparing to attend the Nor’East 02ers’ Spring Drive. I was going to take Otto, but he was, well, you know, decapitated. So I prepared to take Kugel, my ’72 2002tii, out of storage.

By Nate Risch
Most West Coast track rats and probably more than a few East Coasters know of David Moody, his Cool Carbon brake pads, and his support of the BMW CCA. I know that many Golden Gate Chapter events have handed out Cool Carbon pads as door prizes, and Roundel has carried ads for these stoppers as well.

By Nate Risch
Last week I explained that during a routine compression test prior to putting Otto (my ’74 2002tii) up for sale, the #3 cylinder measured only 50 psi. I described doing a leak-down test and finding that pumping compressed air into #3 pushed so much air into the radiator that the cooling system literally gurgled like a fish tank.