By Nate Risch
Shed a tear. It happened. My mom finally replaced her 1997 528i. This is sad in so many ways, not least because the car had a manual transmission. Yes, that matters.

By Nate Risch
Last week, I scored the Wheel Deal—a set of the 17x8" Style 42 cross-spoke alloy wheels that were conspicuously absent from the $1,500 530i stick sport I bought last month. I drove 2½ hours each way up to Maine, handed over a hundred and fifty bucks, and dragged home four corroded, bent wheels with garbage tires.

By Nate Risch
Everyone has goals or a dream in life. Maybe it is to score your dream job, to get a promotion, to save up money to buy a shiny new M3, or maybe even to get in better shape. Whatever you dream of, it is motivation that fuels us to put in the work to achieve those goals.

By Nate Risch
Last week, I whined to the point of caterwauling about how the 2003 530i sport stick I’d just bought for $1,500 didn’t have the original Style 42 cross-spoke alloys, and seriously implied that my car, my life—indeed, my place in this cruel world—would not be whole until the correct wheels were on the car. Oh, and I needed to pay essentially nothing for them in order to continue to maintain that the purchase of the car was a great deal. Talk about your first-world problems!

By Nate Risch
Recently, while undertaking a search for a “new” car, something occurred to me: Being a car enthusiast makes you crazy—a BMW enthusiast, perhaps even more so. I don’t necessarily mean crazy in the sense of hearing voices, or enjoying watching any of the presidential debates, but being a car enthusiast can make you irrational compared to the average person.