By Nate Risch
First things first: I am not the best writer in the Doersen household—far from it. My wife, Val, is better. And the way our son is progressing, I may be a distant third by the time he’s in fifth grade. But I like BMWs more, so when Satch was looking for racing coverage, he settled for me. All of this might change after my wife actually attends a real, live, bona fide race, though—especially if that race is, say, the Twelve Hours of Sebring.

By Nate Risch
When you buy a used car and begin sorting it out, you’re in the “getting to know you, getting to know all about you” phase. Hopefully you remain captivated by your new purchase. More often, though, you start to run into things that make you think, “Huh… that’s weird. Maybe I won’t bring this one home to meet the family.”

By Nate Risch
On the same day that I received a discount on my car insurance for dealing with a monitoring device that beeped incessantly in my 1 Series, I also had a long conversation on getting an upgrade to my old fuzz-buster (forgive me, I still have some old lingo stuck in me). I had gone an entire three months with a device in my car that was recording my every movement; every spirited on-ramp, every mountain fun run, every time a child with a basketball jumped out in front of me, it recorded that stuff. I was being tracked by Big Brother.

By Nate Risch
First, to close out last week’s teaser: To no one’s surprise, the $1,500 Z3 I saw on Craigslist sold to the first person who called. My friend Alex was second on the list. I didn’t need another Z3, so it’s no skin off my nose either way, but I do find it comforting to know that such things are in fact out there.

By Nate Risch
I talk about my love for my E46 M3 quite a bit; several people would say that it’s the apple of my eye. In reality, though, there is a five-foot-nothing brunette who loves to drink craft beer and play fantasy football; she stole my heart a long time ago. And when I met her, she wasn’t a car person at all!