By Nate Risch
Sitting on a shelf next to my desk at work is a small, one-inch-by-two-inch frame containing a safety pin with FARPIS printed below it. It’s a long story, starting one very long afternoon as I sat in the passenger seat of my friend’s car, spending excessive amounts of time in a traffic jam on High Street in Columbus, Ohio. There was no known cause: no accident, no construction, no emergency—nothing.

By Nate Risch
Like many of you, I have too many cars needing too much work. Most of the time I manage the situation, but sometimes I feel like it all catches up with me, and one small thing pushes me over the edge.

By Nate Risch
I've always been a huge fan of four-letter words—you know, the kind of words that, if you used them when you were a kid, your mother would make you put a quarter in a "swear jar." It seems that most of my allowance every week was spent on that swear jar, and the worst thing is that I'm not quite sure where all that money went—perhaps to help my mom buy anti-psychotic medication to keep her from wringing my neck on a daily basis. I’d usually mutter my curses under my breath in the general direction of my mother, but there were always those chance occurrences of a really big one slipping—at full volume.

By Nate Risch
Texas singer-songwriter Robert Earl Keen, probably best known for “The Road Goes On Forever And The Party Never Ends” (covered by Steve Earle), closes his album West Textures with the song “It’s The Little Things.” It sounds like a sweet, intimate little love number, until you listen closely to the lyrics and realize that what he’s singing is, “It’s the little things… that piss me off.”

By Nate Risch
This past year was a big one for the BMW Car Club of America; the BMW CCA was founded in 1969, thus 2014 marked the Club’s 45th anniversary! We did not rest on our laurels, however, as we set out on a year of changing our online image. It all started with Satch reaching out and hiring me as the new Roundel Weekly online editor.