By Nate Risch
In my book, Memoirs of a Hack Mechanic, I talk at length about risk and reward, and about the short ads for vintage cars that appear on eBay and Craigslist. You know the one: there are four bad cell-phone pics and a three-line description that doesn’t mention the word “rust.” It’s enough to drive you crazy.

By Nate Risch
Every BMW owner reading this is an excellent driver, one who never races recklessly through traffic or cuts off other drivers or steals parking spaces for which other drivers are waiting or blows past pedestrians in crosswalks. I don’t do any of that stuff—at least when I’m not on a rally—and I’m sure none of you do, either.

By Nate Risch
We all choose when to open the floodgates and spend money like water, and when we close theme to become flinty stewards of our dollars. With car parts, there are times when I will spend absolutely ridiculous sums, and other times when I will find some kluge or used part to help me hold onto my hard-earned Benjamins.

By Nate Risch
With the success of his book, Confessions Of A Hack Mechanic, columnist Rob Siegel has captured a broader readership than the column he has written in Roundel Magazine for more than 30 years. But Siegel would be the first to tell you that writing print columns or books—especially books—involves certain constraints and limitations having to do mostly with layout and space.

By Chris Hennecy
Rob Siegel: The Hack Mechanic. Well. Here I am, the guibo guy—online and in your face every week. When I started writing my column in Roundel nearly 30 years ago, I realized that I couldn’t pump out fully detailed repair-and-restoration articles every month, and began writing instead about whatever it was I was doing. As it turned out, that elided closely with whatever many of you were doing. I hope that these new weekly pieces have the same resonance.