By Nate Risch
There it was: Like the bold setting sun, it dipped into the valley below, a brilliant flash of crimson on the black backdrop of asphalt. I was sure that one had crossed my path before; maybe it was just in a picture—if so, then surely that image was a poor substitute for the in-the-metal revelation that drove past me. The scarlet rocket was an “old” E92 M3 coupe, complete with sinister blacked-out wheels. Melbourne Red? Maybe, but it lacked the shine and brilliance I associate with BMW’s metallic hues. Rarest-of-the-rare Frozen Red? Perhaps. Whatever the color, it was gorgeous.

By Nate Risch
I was helping a friend who just bought a ’73 2002tii. Beautiful car: Colorado orange, five-speed, Panasport wheels, air-conditioning. He’d just had it trucked in from California, and, other than flat-spotted tires and a low brake pedal, it didn’t seem to need much.

By Nate Risch
As an adult, I have found that crying and kicking my feet isn’t always going to work when I want to have my way. I’ve tried, but it just doesn’t work. This typically happens when I’m either in traffic, short on money for bills, or dealing with some sort of illness. This time around, it was a combination of all three.

By Nate Risch
First, allow me to wrap up a few loose ends: My 1995 318ti hatchback, about which I wrote in Roundel Magazine, is gone. Sure, I could have replaced the failed timing-case profile gasket, but I simply didn’t want to. I realize that there are those who love these M42 engines, but, in the end, I am not among their ranks. Hold the angry letters, please; all this means is that I have made a choice regarding where to allocate my time.

By Nate Risch
I know I talk a lot about my E46 M3. I love it, though, and I am lucky to be able to drive it every day. However, I have another BMW in my stable that doesn’t get the appreciation it deserves, and it is truly our workhorse. This past week we packed up our E90 and headed up beautiful Highway 395 to Lake Tahoe for a little vacation with some of our BMW friends.