By Chris Hennecy
If the BMW 507 showed up, I didn’t see it.
But these days, the SoCal Vintage BMW Meet attracts so many cars of such a wide variety that I could easily have missed even such an icon as the famous Abrecht Graf Goertz design that many people still consider the most beautiful BMW ever built—and there was indeed one such registered. In fact, there were more than 200 confirmed entrants for the concours-cum-swap-meet-cum-festival of all things BMW.

By Chris Hennecy
It was the best of times, it was the—wait. It was all pretty good, actually. And it starts close to home in nearby Solon, Ohio, proving that you don’t have to travel far to enjoy the wide world of BMW.
A cluster of Club members and their trusty steeds gather at the sacred dispenser of warm morning libations that we call Panera.

By Chris Hennecy
My dad was a Marine back in the days of Vietnam. My grandfather was a Marine back in the Korean war. My great-grandfather on my mother’s side was a famous opera singer (oops, one generation too far!).

By Chris Hennecy
Having just spent a week with the Mitsubishi MiEV, adapting myself to its various shortcomings—never mind its anorak looks—I was encouraged by BMW chief Ian Robertson’s optimism that battery technology will gain more ground in the next four years than in the past 100. At this point, it could certainly stand improvement.

By Chris Hennecy
Generosity: the habit of giving, often accepted in society as a desirable virtue. Well, we think it is, anyway.
Altruism: the principle or practice of unselfish concern for or devotion to the welfare of others. We like that, too.
Challenge: something that by its nature or character serves as a call to battle or special effort, a show of strength.