By Chris Hennecy
Yes, I did attend the Frankfurt Auto Show again, but as usual, I missed all the good stuff, like the guy who took a sledgehammer to his M6 in a display of—something. (Hey, he’s Italian, and he was unhappy with certain issues that had not been resolved to his satisfaction—and did I mention he’s Italian?)

By Chris Hennecy
Approach the curve carefully, as there is a depression precisely at the turn-in point. Dismiss this disruptive force at your own peril. Wait for the weight of the car to lean on the front left tire, then quickly, but smoothly—always smoothly—coax the steering wheel clockwise. The silky surface arcs gently toward an abrupt rise in the pavement, where a sudden rise coincides with the tarmac serpent tightening its coil.

By Chris Hennecy
There have been plenty of times in my life that I can look back and just shake my head in disgust and confusion. Of course, many of those times can be chalked up to life experience, like learning not to pick up guys at dive bars. Some of those incidences are mandatory to produce a well-rounded adult, however; some of those situations that we get ourselves into can give us more education and wisdom than any book or instructor ever could.

By Chris Hennecy
Having just spent the Monterey auction/car-show/race week on my Triumph Thruxton, I can vouch for the advantage of two wheels in what is essentially an extended period of highway gridlock. The California law enabling motorcycles to “split lanes” in stationary traffic means that you never really get stuck, just slowed down.

By Chris Hennecy
There’s nothing like a little LSD to change your perspective:
Limited, adj.: restricted in size, amount, or extent.
Slip, v.: an act of sliding unintentionally for a short distance.
Differential, n.: differing or varying according to circumstances or relevant factors.