By Chris Hennecy
I sincerely believe that all of us have some things for which we have enduring weak spots. You know, those little things in life that just kind of bring a smile to your face, and fill you with a warm, wholesome, fuzzy feeling, like getting big slice of Grandma’s famous apple pie.

By Chris Hennecy
There have been lots of stories and discussion about BMW’s recalls in the past few weeks. A total of 750,000 vehicles—at the highest estimate—from what the company would call ROW—the Rest Of the World, other than Europe—are affected.

By Chris Hennecy
In spring, a young man’s fancy lightly turns to thoughts of pinstripes and glasspacks (and if you thought pinstripes referred to three-piece suits, you’re in the wrong place). Yes, the coming of March found winter still fully entrenched across much of the nation, but there are brave signs of the shifting season: brave, early crocus poking up through the melting snow, autocross runners in San Diego, a new victory for Bill Auberlen and Turner Motorsport in Texas.

By Chris Hennecy
One of the best things about Roundel magazine, in my humble opinion, is that there is something for everyone. For some of the magazine’s readership, literary flourishes are a pain in the sump: All they want is Tech Talk and Mike Miller’s unstoppable technical knowledge.

By Chris Hennecy
The long-ago evening was wrought with loud words, a broken lamp, and an incredibly sobering statement: “Nikki, you’re a control freak.” Me, a control freak? Never! I’m mellow yellow, I’m like a twig on the shoulders of a mighty stream, I am the queen of go-with-the-flow.