By Chris Hennecy
Readers opening the first Roundel of the new year found new faces among the columnists: Nikki Weed and Chris Wright. Another Roundel Weekly writer, Paul Duchene, has broadened his efforts to organize news items for the magazine, too.

By Chris Hennecy
… and there we were, once more at the twilight of the year: As everyone knows, the end of one year and the beginning of the next is a time to be feared—chiefly because of how much nauseatingly bad writing it produces. It’s like a charming little tradition: at Christmas we get the whole goodwill-to-mankind thing, but just a week later, we are mercilessly shelled with dangerously unimaginative thoughts from virtually every publication in existence.

By Chris Hennecy
The temperature in Chicago hadn’t reached above 5ºF in almost three weeks, and the snow had turned into an impermeable ice cap over the Midwest. Most construction workers had been laid off, my dad included. Cold isn’t a severe enough term to describe that winter for me, and to this day I still look back on that Christmas and shake my head in amazement.

By Chris Hennecy
I think of a spare tire as a horizontal parachute: When you need one, you really need one. If it’s missing, or flat, you can kiss off about three hours of your life—and that’s if it happens close to home.
What brings the subject to mind, as usual, was a personal incident: I ran over a nail, but I didn’t notice it at first.

By Chris Hennecy
Journalists assembled at the unveiling of BMW’s two-door successor to the F30 3 Series had one overriding question: When do we get our hands on it?