By Nate Risch
What a great time I had recently! It was “get ready for a road trip” day, and the vehicle tasked to carry us safely to relatives’ welcoming homes and beachside hotels and charming beds-and-breakfast inns was our standard cruiser: a 2016 BMW X5 35d, which we shall henceforth call “the X5” or “the X5 diesel.”

By Nate Risch
One of the second-tier issues with Louie, the 1972 2002tii I bought last February in Louisville and road-tripped home, was the heater box. It was as non-functional as a heater box could be and still occupy physical space in the car.

By Nate Risch
By now it should be all over: By the time you read this, the auction will have come to an end, and one lucky and well-heeled bidder will have scooped up my temptation, all because I am mortgaged to the hilt and could not raise the money to refinance a hamburger.

By Nate Risch
Forgive me for postponing the piece on Louie’s heater box again, but this is just too good. After getting Louie the 2002tii home from our insane road trip together, the big sort-out items were the exhaust, the heater box, and the windshield-gasket replacement.

By Nate Risch
Miracle of miracles! My sanity is saved! Well, it’s safe at least until the kids become teenagers, when karma will unleash its pent-up fury upon my existence. But for now, I am no longer solely responsible for chauffeuring the two kids.