Windy City BMW

Windy City BMW

PO Box 133
Glenview, IL 60025-0133
United States

The Windy City BMW Chapter is one of the largest and most active chapters in the country. As such, we have access to a diverse array of benefits and activities throughout the calendar year. Whether you are an experienced driver looking for driving schools or autocross, or a novice wanting to learn more about safe handling and accident avoidance techniques, we have the right speed events for you. You may simply wish to get to know people who share the same interest in BMW’s as you through our active social membership, club tours, philanthropic activities and annual awards dinner.


For latest Breezes, the monthly newsletter, click here.


Check out the Windy City BMW Website for more event info!




(847) 687-5859
Vice President
Newsletter Editor
Driving School Contact
Autocross Chairman
Membership Chair
Membership Meeting
Special Events
Art Director
Legal Counsel
Social Media