Members, chapters should see better, faster service
It’s been a long process, says BMW CCA executive director Frank Patek, but finally BMW CCA 2.5 has launched. “It seems like just yesterday that the old site went down as we began the conversion to a brand new database and online community,” he said after the massive database migration. “But with over 1,000,000 records to be carried from the old system to the new one, the conversion took several days. As they say, it took a whole lot of trying—but we finally made it!”
While the database architecture is now in place, Patek and the National Office staff expect a few “hiccups” as members and chapter officers access the new software. “Over the next few weeks, we want you to take it out for a spin,” says Patek, “and let us know what you like and what you don’t like—and we know you will!”
Patek has patiently overseen the long-delayed conversion from a faulty database system that did not align perfectly with the BMW CCA website presence, and that patience wore thin as various delays and discoveries complicated the transition. For one thing, two different companies handled separate facets of the transition: database migration and website design. The goal was to create a website with seamless access to the intricate reaches of the BMW CCA database, effecting everything from secure merchandise transactions to easy member control over individual account status.
“No doubt you will find a few items here and there that are not quite what we intended or quite as they will be,” adds Patek. “Changes and updates will be constant—and the evolution of this site will be an ongoing project.”
Why did the Club spend over a year a year plotting, planning, and building a new website and database? If you’ve ever tried to renew your membership online, or tried to change it from a one-year membership to three-year membership, you already know! It’s all about giving you control. And when you take that “test drive,” here are a few items to check out:
- Community pages where you can post your stories and pictures
- New forums—and yes, we are working on pulling over an archive of the old forums!
- More control over your membership—update your records on the fly!
- Easy to join and renew—wherever and whenever you want!
- A true auto-renew feature—no calling to update your credit-card information!
- A brand-new BMW CCA merchandise store
- Secure Transactions—PCI Compliant to protect you!
- A brand-new classifieds section: much, much easier to post and manage your ads
- User names retained from current site; if you don’t have one, you can log in with your membership number.
- Logical placement of Club benefits and necessary documents
- Chapter website pages for every chapter
- Brand-new events calendar and events pages to promote your chapter events
“I think we’ve managed to give our members the keys,” says Patek. “Now go take that test drive!”