Racing News

BMW CCA Club Racing is pleased to announce our special award winners for the 2014 race season. The 2014 Glenn Lucas Memorial Award goes to April Curtis of the South Atlantic Region. The Glenn Lucas Memorial Award is the highest honor in Club Racing and it is presented every year to the Club Racer who  best promotes and represents the philosophy and spirit of Club Racing, on and off the track. 

The 2014 VAC Motorsports Rookie of the Year award goes to Taylor Handwerk of the North Atlantic Region. The Rookie of the Year award is presented to the Rookie who has accumulated the most points during the racing season. 

This is the third year that the Glenn Lucas and Rookie of the Year awards have been granted.  Past winners of the Glenn Lucas award have been Tom Bell of the Pacific Region for the 2012 season and the late Geoff Atkinson of the North Atlantic Region for the 2013 season.  Past winners of the Rookie of the Year awards have been Steve Angell for the 2012 racing season and Jerry Kaufman for the 2013 season.

Club Racing National Class Champions have also been announced for 2014: 

  • B Modified –  Ralph Warren
  • C Modified –  Mark Lounsbury
  • D Modified –  April Curtis
  • I Prepared –  Kevin Ogrodnik
  • I Sport –  Dan March
  • J Sport –  Martin Bullen
  • K Prepared –  Eric Nissen
  • M3T –  John G Paton
  • SE30 –  Jeff Caldwell
  • Spec E36 –  Taylor Handwerk

2015 marks the 20th anniversary of the BMW CCA Club Racing program and we are looking forward to a busy 2015 season.  Our first Club Race is at Chuckwalla March 7-8th followed by our big North American Challenge Event at COTA on March 20-22nd.  For more information please visit our website at