Club News


Developed to recognize Individuals, Chapters and Businesses for their outstanding achievements.

Throughout the history of the BMW CCA, outstanding individuals, chapters and businesses have supported The Club in many ways. It is appropriate that this passion, enthusiasm and commitment to The Club be recognized. The BMW CCA recognizes and honors individual club members for outstanding achievements and exceptional dedication. Within the structure of the Club, some Chapters go far beyond BMW CCA Minimum Standards. A Chapter that consistently exceeds expectations may be recognized for that achievement. The Club also recognizes and honors members of Industry whose contributions to the Club and its members go far above and beyond normal business practices.

1. Nominating an Individual, Chapter or Business for a Recognition Award

The nominator may be any BMW CCA member or Chapter in good standing, or any member of the National Office staff. Nominations will be completed on the official nominating form and must be submitted to the RPC by the date indicated on the form. If the award is to be given at the Regional level, or selected from among regional winners, the Regional Vice President may be asked to assist in the review of nominees from that region to ensure full compliance of the nominee.

2. Eligibility for a Recognition Award

A nominated individual or chapter must have been in good standing and full compliance for the entire nomination period. The nominee may not be in current litigation with BMW CCA, BMW CCA Foundation, BMW NA or BMW AG. The nominee may not currently owe on any invoice to the BMW CCA, BMW CCA Foundation, BMW NA or BMW AG. 

Current National Board members, National office paid staff, and current National Committee Members are NOT eligible for Recognition Awards during the term of their position, with the following exception: All past and current National Committee Members are eligible for the National Service Officer Award. The nominees and winners will be determined by the National Board.

3. Deadline for Nomination

The qualifying period for each award will be the calendar year preceding the award (January 1 through December 31). Nominations may be submitted throughout the calendar year and must be received by January 31st 5:00pm EST of the year following the qualification period. 

The RPC Nomination Form can be found on the Recognition Page of the official BMW CCA website: