Racing News

The final phase of preparations for the BMW Motosport M6 GT3 and M6 GTLM have begun with the first official tests at Daytona International Raceway recently taking place. Both racing versions of the BMW M6 will make their race debuts at the 24 Hours of Daytona, January 28–31. One of the drivers involved in the development of both cars is veteran BMW factory driver, Jens Klingmann. In a recent interview for, he spoke about the Daytona test and his expectations.

Jens, you are one of the BMW works drivers to have tested the BMW M6 GT3 and BMW M6 GTLM in recent months. How is the development coming on?

Jens Klingmann: “A lot has happened since my first test with the BMW M6 GT3 almost a year ago. At first, everything about the car was new. There were hardly any reference values, which we could take from the BMW Z4 GT3. We have made huge progress and, in my opinion, have done an outstanding job of setting the car up so far. As a driver, I am delighted to see how well our suggestions have been put into practice. I am sure that even gentlemen drivers will feel right at home in this car.”

From a driver’s point of view, what are the main differences between the BMW M6 GT3 and the BMW M6 GTLM?

Klingmann: “The biggest difference is that the GTLM version does not have ABS. The fact that this driver aid is forbidden by the IMSA regulations means the handling of the BMW M6 GTLM is noticeably different to that of the BMW M6 GT3. Apart from that, the difference from a driver’s perspective is not as great as it was between the BMW Z4 GT3 and the BMW Z4 GTLM. When it comes to performance, both cars are very similar. The more streamlined aerodynamics of the BMW M6 GTLM, as specified in the regulations, is noticeable in the corners. At the same time, the tyres on the GTLM car generate considerably more grip. That is why the lap times are quicker with the BMW M6 GTLM.”

How did the recent tests in Daytona go?

Klingmann: “Together with Marco Wittmann and Maxime Martin, I concentrated on the set-up of the BMW M6 GT3 out on the track and the tyres, which are new to us. I was obviously also focussed on helping Turner Motorsport get to know the car. After all, they had not had any practical experience with the car prior to the test. It was also fascinating to meet our direct opponents for the first time. Although nobody reveals everything at a test like that one, it does give you an initial impression of roughly where you stand. On the whole, I am very happy with the results of the test and am looking forward to the first race. Only then will we see the real balance of power among the manufacturers on the GT racing scene. We will then be able to define our first goals for the debut season of the BMW M6 GT3 a little more accurately.”

Learn more about the BMW Motorsport M6 GT3 at