Gregg Eisenhardt from the Badger Bimmers, Martin Loring from the Oregon chapter, Ralph Gensler from Peachtree, Al Bach from The Rocky Mountain Chapter, and our CHPS cop Tim Wescott, proudly rounded out the Green team! The Red team, also a very speedy group of drivers, was led by Gary Kogowski from Motor City, Jorn Schaffner from the First Coast Chapter and his sidekick Joe Marques from the Sandlapper Chapter, as well as father-son duo Bruce and Scott Schmidt from the Genesse Valley Chapter. We all appreciated the special bonding between these fathers and sons as they shared the experience of this M program together.
These competitive teams put the pedal to the metal and competed vigorously in the handling courses, and lapped the track like they were all trying to set records. They all learned about vehicle dynamics as these vehicles pirouetted on the track and plowed into the skid pad grass when the vehicles were not happy with the inputs. Everyone gained an appreciation for the concept of “squeezing on power” when they saw that “stomping on the power” was just a bit too much input. Overall, the all-male Club Two Day M School was a rollicking success and everyone learned to appreciate the true power and capability of these three Competition Package M cars.
Although the BMW Performance Center Two Day M Schools are sold out for 2014, the Club still has a few openings for those interested. We have one opening for August 9th-10th, and six openings for December 6th-7th. These are exclusive to Club members, and encompass the full curriculum of a Two Day M School, but with our Club 15% discount.
If interested, please contact BMW Registration at (888) 345-4BMW to fill these last few slots. This program costs $3,055/pp but includes two nights at the Marriott, all meals, ground transportation, and professional instruction in these Competition M Vehicles. There is no vehicle sharing in this program, so you get maximum seat time during this program. We fully expect to have access to the new M4 in the August and December programs.
For any questions, please contact Jackie Bechek, Director of National Events, at, or (864) 438-3403.