BMW News

It is December, officially winter—and in winter, many BMW enthusiasts' thoughts turn to xDrive and snow tires. Having driven xDrive-equipped vehicles for years, we know the advantages of BMW's all-wheel-drive system when navigating roads with less-than-ideal grip. This BMW video explains what xDrive is—and how it works.

Besides the neat cutaways and animations that show the inner workings of xDrive, the shots of various BMWs in different driving situations is a nice eye-candy video album.

To shoot a production about xDrive, BMW sent a team to Norway to scout locations for filming. At least, that's their story. It looked to us like an excuse to drive the heck out of all-wheel drive BMWs in a foreign country on winter roads with no traffic. Below are four videos showing the pair of location scouts running around Norway in four different BMWs with xDrive.

When we saw these videos, we thought they showed spectacular scenery and interesting Norwegian roads and trails. As impressive as the BMWs on camera were as they traversed the rain-, snow-, and ice-covered roads, we wondered what vehicles were being used to shoot the footage. If they were BMWs also, that would be even more impressive.—Scott Blazey

[Photo and videos courtesy of BMW.]