BMW News

The highlight of BMW’s 100th birthday celebration in Munich last month—at least for many BMW executives—had to be the reveal of the BMW Vision Next 100 concept car. Clearly the company had worked on this for quite a while, and it represents the culmination of excitement, performance, digitalization, and automation that BMW sees as its future.

We’ll go out on a limb here and predict that the BMW Vision Next 100 will never see the light of day as a production car. However, we will also predict that elements of the Vision Next 100 will show up in cars that we can buy.

As serious as BMW is about the future and being at the leading edge of automotive technology, it is also about its heritage. That’s why we found this commercial, released to showcase the BMW Vision Next 100, even more satisfying for its inclusion of the cars that got BMW to this point. Chances are, your favorite is in there somewhere.—Scott Blazey

[Photos and video courtesy of BMW.]

At the time of its 100th birthday party, many short snippets of video were released showing various aspects of the BMW Vision Next 100 concept car. This video is the most complete we’ve seen and does a nice job showing interior and exterior details.

[Video courtesy of BMW via Car TV.]