Illini BMW Chapter

Illini BMW Chapter

PO Box 10306
Peoria, IL 61612-0306
United States

The Illini Chapter of the BMWCCA covers the geography represented by the statewide stripe of our logo, so our members are widely dispersed.  Yet we hold the best Tire Rack Street Survival school in the country.  And we co-host one of the largest gatherings of ///M cars in the Midwest every year at our event called ///M Madness!  How do we accomplish things, and even exist without a race track within our borders for the driving enthusiasts? Well, our modest membership works their little tushies off, that's how. And, we have great sponsor/partners that help us out along the way.



  • Quarter 1 - 2012 - ROUNDELIAN
  • Quarter 2 - 2012 - ROUNDELIAN
  • Quarter 3 - 2012 - ROUNDELIAN
  • Quarter 4 - 2012 - ROUNDELIAN
  • October 1st 2010


(309) 258-3711
Vice President
Social Chair