BMW News

Call it wishful thinking, if you like, but BMW is being mentioned as a possible buyer of Saab, according to Automoblog. Saab's story has been full of unexpected twists and turns, but maybe it will have a happy ending after all. Sprechen sie Swedish? as the ad said. Indeed.

At this moment, Saab is in bankruptcy, and the liquidators are looking for a new buyer. At a press conference on Tuesday it was confirmed that there are 6-7 serious bidders in the race. We've heard about the Chinese and the Turkish government, but according to sources at Saabs United, one of the bidders is a European auto manufacturer, based in Munich. Now who could that be?

Actually it makes some sense. Saab has a lot of technological expertise and innovative technology that could appeal to BMW and its assets are likely to be purchased on the cheap. The liquidators said they won't necessarily opt for the highest bidder. They want a bid that most benefits creditors, employees and the region the most –  a company that restarts production again.

BMW has a lot of resources and the will to see Saab through. And Saab could be a perfect venue for BMW’s expansion plans. Front-wheel drive anyone? When Saab went down it was in the midst of developing the new Phoenix FWD architecture and the next-generation 9-3.

They were both being done quite inexpensively. The growth potential is there, and a push for sales wouldn’t harm BMW. In fact, announcement of purchase by BMW and an extensive ad campaign would give customers confidence. Maybe there's life in Saab yet.––Paul Duchene