BMW News

Monster Energy and Mini are giving Red Bull a run for its money with the industry’s latest promotional stunt, completing what they claim is the world’s first non-assisted car back flip in at Tignes in the snowy Alps of southern France. If you know an earlier instance, let us know.

Behind the wheel of the Mini Countryman was Guerlain Chicherit, world champion of the FIA Cross Country Rally World Cup, who launched a modified Mini Cooper off a 25-foot high ramp, did a full 360 degree back-flip, and landed it on all four tires, about 50 feet up on a snow berm.

Monster must be countering Red Bull's promotional campaign surrounding Felix Baumgartner's jump from the edge of space, by stepping up its own stunt-related viral campaigns. Although Monster has  been a major sponsor of motor sports, including Motocross, Monster Truck and NASCAR, this should get them even more ink. Monster leaked a video in late January of what appeared to be Chicherit practicing for his jump, so this might be the first in a larger campaign with Mini.

The promotion certainly comes at a good time for Monster, which after months of criticism by consumer advocate groups has finally agreed to label its products with “Nutritional Facts” as well as the amount of caffeine they contain.––Paul Duchene

Check out the video here: