Club News


Fifteen members from across the country braved pouring rains to partake in the final BMW CCA Two-Day M School of the year at the BMW Performance Center in July. Members from chapters in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Ohio, California, Louisiana, Maryland, Colorado, Mississippi, and as far away as Puerto Rico came to attend this event! On-and-off showers throughout the weekend challenged their car-control skills as they negotiated the track under ever-changing weather conditions.
Led by Jim Clark and four other instructors of the Performance Center, members were given a classroom briefing on vehicle dynamics the as part of the curriculum of the two-day school. Everyone drove the Competition Package M3, the new F10 M5, and the brand-new F12 M6. That M6 proved to be a beast on the track with its 4.4-liter twin-turbo V8 engine and 560 horsepower!
On the first day, the instructors emphasized developing high performance driving skills by demanding precision through such exercises as the slalom, handling track, wet skid pad, and time runs courses. Day two raised the stakes with advanced driving skills like trail-braking and demanding cornering transitions on the Performance Center’s own track.
As these Members' Only Performance Center trips are very popular, we will offer four (4) Two Day M Schools next year, including one designed for Women only. We will also offer a Valentine’s Day Trip in February and a Couples’ Trip in May. We will post the dates in Roundel Weekly in September, with BMW Registration to follow.
For any questions, please contact Jackie Bechek, Director of National Events at (864) 438-3403, or by email