Club News

Members drove from all over the East Coast—and from as far away as Montana—to participate in this year’s infield corral and trackside hospitality at the Rolex 24-Hour race at Daytona. The exclusive BMW CCA experience included meet-and-greets with the drivers, a photo op with BMW Motorsport director Jens Marquardt, and a tour of the BMW Team RLL transporters! (Yes, you want those way-cool dry-break brake assemblies, but you can't have them!)

If you want to see more photos from the weekend, head on over to our Facebook photo gallery.

Following the successful BMW CCA corral at Daytona, we're heading for another big corral at the 12 Hours of Sebring! We have some great activities planned for you, including exclusive BMW parade laps on the track, a meet-and-greet with BMW Team RLL drivers and race-team personalities, plus a closed-circuit television feed of the race in the BMW corral tent.

More information on the Sebring corral can be found here >>