Thanksgiving is just a couple weeks away, which means the holiday travel season is right around the corner! Whether it be via planes, trains, or our favorite, automobiles, we hope that your trips are quick and painless, but we all know that stuff just happens when we are on a journey.
So, to help make your travels go as smoothly as possible, IHG Rewards Club Ambassador and BMW USA Motorsport’s racing driver Bill Auberlen has provided us with “Bill’s Travel Tips” over the summer.
However, even Bill’s charm can’t help out in every situation as he found out recently when he literally ran into this problem:
“We have all had super delayed flights, only to have the longest day of your life get even longer, when they didn’t hold your next flight for five extra minutes. Knowing that I’m on my way from another flight, to run from my gate like a crazy person to arrive at my new gate, and actually see my plane sitting there and they tell me “Sir, the door is closed” to have me remark “Well, open the door”. Sadly it never worked.”
We know that everyone has a travel tip that will help their trip go a little more smoothly. So let’s help out the BMW CCA members this holiday season and share your tip and anecdote.
To enter: post your travel tip and anecdote along with tagging @IHGRewardsClub and including #IHGracing on our BMW CCA Facebook post here:
You will then be entered into a drawing to win 50,000 IHG Rewards Club points, which is equivalent to a two night stay* at a Holiday Inn® and will be deposited into an IHG Rewards Club member account. The winning entry will be selected in a random drawing conducted by IHG representatives, from all valid entries received by the closing date.
Bill will also pick some of his favorite responses and repost them to his official Bill Auberlen Racing Facebook page.
The competition opens on Tuesday November 17, 2015 and closes at midnight on Friday December 4, 2015. The winner will be notified on Facebook by midnight on Monday December 7, 2015. No further correspondence will be entered into. The prize is non transferrable, no alternative prizes will be awarded and there is no cash alternative to the prize. No purchase necessary.
* Two night stay equivalent is dependent upon the specific hotel’s booking requirements and redeemed subject to standard IHG Rewards Club terms and conditions at: