By Nate Risch
You wouldn’t think that I’d be able to get four columns out of simply moving my cars around, would you? No, you wouldn’t.But you would be wrong.

By Nate Risch
As we approach Thanksgiving, it’s customary to be thankful for the blessings we enjoy, as well as to reflect on the plight of those less fortunate. That’s right, I’m talking about the poor souls who drive older BMWs and have to make do with normally aspirated engines, manual transmissions, and rear-wheel drive.

By Nate Risch
A few weeks ago (We’re Going to Need a Bigger Garage, Part II), I wrote about the rule-based decision process I was using to decide which cars went in which of three—no, four—storage locations. The rules were:

By Nate Risch
The Los Angeles Auto Show is a big deal for several reasons, but it remains the Rodney Dangerfield of car shows. In a romantic comedy, the LA show would be the leading lady’s wisecracking best friend: attractive enough, and fun to be around, but when you get right down to it, she ain’t gonna get the guy.

By Nate Risch
In response to last week’s eleven-car enumeration, CCA member Bill Schaefer e-mailed me his list, which included a vintage Fiat 500. It made me think about the 1974 Fiat 128 we had when I was in high school. It wasn’t the car that I learned to drive in—that distinction goes to our beloved ’69 Plymouth Satellite, the first car my mother bought by herself after my dad passed away.